Tips for Giving a Memorable Wedding Toast
/Photo: Jack Looney
Have you been asked to give a toast at your friend’s or family member’s wedding? Maybe you are super excited and confident because you love any opportunity to talk in front of people. On the other hand, maybe you are the type of person that doesn’t like all eyes on them or has a fear of public speaking. Whichever camp you may fall into, here are some key things to remember when you are preparing your toast:
It’s a toast, not a speech.
Keep it short and sweet. The best toasts are the ones that are meaningful and straight to the point. Even the best of toasts can’t prevent guests from zoning out and wondering where the entree is or when dancing will start. We recommend no more than two minutes per toast. You’d be amazed what you can get across in that amount of time.
Be Prepared.
Not everyone needs to write their speech in advance; some people do better speaking more from the heart in the moment. But we strongly recommend you prepare in advance, and think about what you are going to say. Either write it all out or make bulleted talking points. This will help you avoid rambling and deliver a more polished toast.
Remember the purpose.
Be sure to introduce yourself and let the guests know your connection to the couple. And as you start your remarks remember the toast is to celebrate the two of them getting married – not just one person or the other. Try to keep the toast balanced and avoid inside jokes or memories that only you and the bride or groom shared. (Those are the things you reminisce about in private or in a heartfelt card). Speak from the heart, keep it upbeat and positive, and remember it is all about the couple.
Have a glass in hand!
And last but not least, make sure to have a beverage to raise your glass and toast at the end. If you can’t juggle the glass along with your notes and microphone, ask someone to hand your glass to you when you are ready.
Toasts can be some of the most meaningful parts of the wedding day. With these tips in mind, they are bound to be memorable!